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Training Online – Basic Finance

January 17, 2022

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Basic Finance

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Pelatihan Basic Finance, para peserta akan belajar dasar-dasar dari manajemen keuangan. Ketika peserta selesai dari pelatihan ini, mereka akan menjadi amat mengenali konsep-konsep keuangan dan akuntasi. Mereka akan mengenal tentang cara men-track transaksi bisnis, penggunaan universal accounting tools seperti the general journal, general ledger, and trial balance.

Peserta juga akan memahami tujuan dan penggunaan the four financial statements, yaitu:

  • The income statement
  • The balance sheet
  • The cash flow statement
  • The statement of stockholders’ equity



1. The Basics of Accounting

  • Definition of Accounting and Why it is Needed
  • Key Accounting Terms
  • The Accounting Equation
  • Transactions and Accounts
  • T Accounts
  • Debits and Credits
  • Revenue and Expenses
  • Capital and Withdrawals
  • Temporary and Permanent Accounts
  • Fixed and Variable Costs

2. The Accounting Cycle

  • Accounting Records
  • Analyzing, Recording and Posting Transactions
  • The Trial Balance
  • Financial Statements

3. The Profit & Loss (Income) Statement

  • Types of Revenues and Expenses
  • Profit and Loss
  • Preparing a Profit & Loss Statement
  • Interpreting a Profit & Loss Statement

4. The Balance Sheet

  • Components of a Balance Sheet
  • Preparing a Balance Sheet
  • Interpreting a Balance Sheet

5. The Cash Flow Statement

  • Operating Activities
  • Investing Activities
  • Financing Activities
  • Benefits of the Cash Flow Statement
  • Preparing the Cash Flow Statement

6. Budgeting

  • Fundamentals of Budgeting
  • Establishing Budget Objectives
  • Common Budgeting Problems
  • Monitoring Performance: Pro Forma Financial Statements


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