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Training Online – Accounting Information Systems

December 8, 2022

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Accounting Information Systems

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The purpose of this course is to introduce the participant to accounting information systems. It provides an overview of the concepts, objectives, and importance of properly designed systems. Upon completion of the training, the participants should understand how professionals apply management information science and data base theory to understand, design, create, and maintain accounting, reporting, and control systems. The course material will include exercises utilizing flowchart and other applications. A comprehensive project will enable the student to apply theories from lectures and the textbook. This course is helpful to accountants, auditors, and managers to help assessing their responsibilities.



  1. The Information System: an Accountant’s Perspective
  2. Introduction to Transaction Processing
  3. Ethics, Fraud, Internal Control
  4. The Revenue Cycle
  5. The Expenditure Cycle
  6. The Conversion Cycle
  7. The General Ledger, Financial Reporting and Fixed Asset Systems
  8. Data Base Management Systems
  9. Distributed Data Processing & Networking
  10. The Systems Development Process, Part 1
  11. The Systems Development Process, Part 2
  12. The Systems Development Process, Part 3
  13. Controlling Computer Based Information Systems


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