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Exploration and Production companies often must evaluate their potential E&P investment using proper present value analysis of expected future cashflows. From the projected cashflows and required investments, the annual rate of return and other project economic indicators can be extracted to evaluate the significance of company investment.
This Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis training course provides practical guidance in the application of the techniques of the economic analysis currently used in the Oil & Gas industry. When executing a petroleum related project, one should be able to choose the best alternative from economic point of view as well as to properly evaluate various investment opportunities by determining economic indicators and sensitivity analysis. Techniques for predicting profit, production, costs, and cashflow enable the analyst to evaluate decision alternatives for optimum results. Understanding economic indicators, risk and uncertainty, different economic structures such as tax regimes and production sharing contracts, enhances the quality and the value of economic analysis.
The primary objectives of this Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis training course are to:
1. Fundamental
2. Cash Flow Concept
3. Decisions Tools
4. Fiscal System
5. Modelling
6. Uncertainty & Risk Analysis
7. Special Topics
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)
Data Materi Training | |
Topik Training | : Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis |
Link | |
*Jumlah Peserta | Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan |
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan | |
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*Email Alternatif | eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail |
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