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Vendor & Supplier Management

February 6, 2024

Jadwal Pelatihan Vendor & Supplier Management

12 - 14 Desember 2024-Surabaya
09 - 11 Desember 2024-Batam
14 - 16 Oktober 2024-Malang
03 - 05 September 2024-Bali
05 - 07 Agustus 2024-Semarang
10 - 12 Juli 2024-Surabaya


Pelatihan Vendor & Supplier Management dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang bagaimana mengelola vendor dan pemasok dengan efektif dalam konteks rantai pasokan. Pelatihan ini akan membahas konsep dan praktik terbaik dalam manajemen vendor dan pemasok, serta memberikan wawasan tentang strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk memaksimalkan hubungan dengan mereka.



1. Introduction to Procurement

  • Why organisations procure goods and services
  • Definition of Procurement, and how it fits into the Project Life Cycle
  • Types of supplier relationships
  • Supplier relationship models
  • Roles and accountabilities of procurement and project professionals

2. The Procurement Management Life Cycle

  • Vendor Management Life Cycle
  • Vendor Management Framework
  • Procurement Phase activities at a glance

3. Plan Procurements

  • Procurement Planning Phase overview and activities
  • Determining procurement management requirements (make or buy, costbenefit analysis)
  • Risk Management for Vendor/Supplier Relationships
  • Developing procurement Statements of Work
  • Options for gathering required information (EOI, RFP, RFT, ITR)
  • Developing assessment criteria
  • Creating a tender evaluation plan
  • Selecting the right contract type
  • Developing a Contract Management Plan

4. Conduct Procurements

  • Conduct Procurements Phase overview and activities
  • Principles of tender evaluation
  • Obtaining and evaluating tender responses
  • Selecting and engaging vendors
  • Designing and negotiating the right contract
  • Establishing performance standards and measures

5. Administer Procurements

  • Administer Procurements Phase overview and activities
  • Managing the Vendor Relationship using a Relationship Management Plan
  • Measuring and monitoring vendor performance
  • Managing risk

6. Close Procurements

  • Close Procurements Phase overview and activities
  • Assessing success
  • Conducting final testing, acceptance and handover
  • Reviewing the contract
  • Identifying and documenting lessons learned



Pre Test



Case Study

Post Test




Training Kit

Modul Pelatihan


1x Lunch & 2x Coffee Break


Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Vendor & Supplier Management
*Jumlah Peserta Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

Personal Data

*Jabatan Jabatan/Divisi/Departement
*Nama Perusahaan
*Alamat Perusahaan
*Email Perusahaan
*Email Alternatif eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail
*Telepon Kantor
* Harus di isi
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