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Strategic Partnerships

October 26, 2022

Jadwal Pelatihan Strategic Partnerships

Belum ada jadwal terbaru


  1. Mampu memelihara hubungan yang telah dibangun dengan organisasi atau organisasi lain sesuai dengan lingkup pekerjaan.
  2. Memahami resiko-resiko yang mungkin timbul dari hubungan strategis yang dibina organisasi dengan pihak lain sesuai dengan lingkup pekerjaan.



1. Introduction

  • Start the program by recording an individual introduction, formulating your learning objectives and filling in a short survey on your experience in strategic partnerships.
  • Discover the “Five S” framework for leveraging strategic partnerships.

2. Strategizing Strategic Partnerships

  • Examine several examples of traditional companies that have been disrupted by competitors with faster innovation cycles or alternative business models.
  • Consider how this requires rethinking the use of partnerships.
  • Apply lessons from Nestlé’s experience of establishing innovation partnerships.

3. Searching, Screening & Selecting Strategic Partnerships

  • Learn what it takes to search and screen for strategic partnerships by examining the role of Motorola’s corporate venture capital unit.
  • Determine which skills are needed to make the most of search and screening, and apply the lessons to your own strategic partnership situation.

4. Structuring Strategic Partnerships: Equity & Contracts

  • Study two strategic partnerships in the storage hardware industry and consider the most appropriate equity structure.
  • Discuss the role of contracts in structuring and running partnerships, including what they should cover and the degree to which they govern the relationship.

5. Structuring Strategic Partnerships: Negotiations

  • Simulate the development of a joint venture and the critical elements that are typically negotiated to make it work.
  • Determine the best structure for a proposed joint venture.

6. Structuring Strategic Partnerships: Organization

  • Reflect on what the organization of a successful strategic partnership should look like and how it should operate, given the needs of the different parties in the relationship.
  • Study the Electric Green Taxiing System’s approach.

7. Starting Strategic Partnerships

  • Observe how strategic partnerships are inherently unstable; any wrong move can break trust.
  • Learn how to kickstart a partnership so that it is on the path of relational trust rather than the wrong path of contractual obligation.

8. Steering Strategic Partnerships

  • Understand how many strategic partnerships are managed in an ad hoc manner with no form of learning across the partnerships, yet the management and leadership of strategic partnership activities can be a great source of advantage.
  • Study a company that has done this well.



Pre test



Case Study

Post test




Training Kit



Lunch + 2x Coffee Break


Form Pre-Registrasi

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Topik Training : Strategic Partnerships
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