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Sertifikasi Ultrasonic Testing (UT) NDT Level 1 Blended by BNSP

September 26, 2024

Jadwal Pelatihan Sertifikasi Ultrasonic Testing (UT) NDT Level 1 Blended by BNSP

28 Oktober 2024 - 02 November 2024-Bandung
14 - 19 Oktober 2024-Bandung


Ultrasonic Testing

  1. Advantages
  2. Disadvantages
  3. Ultrasonic Principles
  4. Acoustics
  5. Transducers
  6. Piezoelectric Effect
  7. Detection of Discontinuities
  8. Pulse-Echo Technique
  9. Resonance Technique
  10. Through-Transmission Technique
  11. Displays
  12. A-scan Presentation
  13. B-scan Presentation
  14. C-scan Presentation
  15. Factors Affecting Ultrasonic Testing
  16. Effects of Temperature Changes
  17. Sensitivity
  18. Resolution
  19. Dead Zone
  20. Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves
  21. Near Field and Far Field
  22. Sound Attenuation in the Far Field
  23. Ultrasound and Material Interfaces
  24. Acoustic Impedance
  25. Couplant
  26. Probe Designs
  27. Normal Angle Compressional Probe
  28. Shear and Surface Wave Probes
  29. Twin Crystal Probes
  30. Paintbrush Transducers
  31. Water Immersion Probes
  32. Thickness Gages
  33. Gates
  34. Phased Arrays
  35. Calibration of Equipment



  • Lulusan D3, D4, S1 bidang teknik atau MIPA.
  • Lulusan SMU-IPA, SMK Teknik.
  • Scan Fotocopi Ijazah
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  • Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna
  • Wajib memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris pasif (baca dan mengerti kalimat berbahasa inggris)
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