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Training Online – Combustion Gas Turbine

June 3, 2023

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Combustion Gas Turbine

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Gas turbine in oil and gas used for gas plant and power plant facilities, both of plant are critical plant to append activity of production and delivery system of oil and gas. Reliability and deliverability is more important factor to provide effectiveness system after all.

After the course participant :

  • Have a good knowledge of gas turbine out and technology include thermodynamic concepts,
  • construction, detail component’s and function
  • Will improve their ability to understand cause and effect of failure to guide root cause analysis in problem solving and trouble shooting
  • Familiar with product of gas turbine which is used in the gas plant.



  1. Introduction to Gas turbine
  2. An Overview of Gas Turbines
  3. Brayton cycle
  4. Gas turbine art and design
  5. Engine design
  6. Operation principle
  7. Engine case and inlet air
  8. Gas turbine in detail assembly and function of components
  9. Auxiliary Components and Accessories : Bearings and Seals, Gears
  10. Gas turbine bearing and lubrication system
  11. Basic combustion in gas turbine
  12. Compressor in gas turbine
  13. How compressor
  14. Turbine who it works
  15. Gas turbine operation and control
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