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Training Online – Basic Communication Skills

June 14, 2023

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Basic Communication Skills

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Mixed messages, misunderstandings, and misconceptions cost organizations millions each year. This basic communication skills program covers the fundamentals of interpersonal communication. By its conclusion participants should have a clear understanding of what good communication skills look like and what they can do to improve their abilities.



At this program’s conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Identify common communication problems that may be holding them back.
  • Develop skills in asking questions.
  • Identify what their non-verbal messages are telling others.
  • Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically.
  • Enhance their ability to handle difficult situations.
  • Deal with situations assertively.



  1. The Basics: The Ten Commandments of Positive Relationships
  2. Self-Awareness: Being in the Know
  3. Road Blocks: Recognizing Communication Barriers
  4. The Dance: Asking Questions and Listening for Answers
  5. Body Language: Communicating Without Saying a Word
  6. Self-Image: Understanding What Your Clothes Say About You
  7. Assertiveness: Positioning for Acceptance
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