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Training Online – Asset Valuation

May 28, 2022

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Asset Valuation

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What is it worth? Being able to state a price creates an ‘anchor’ in any negotiation. Yet, if we are unsure how much something is worth, our usual initial question is ‘how much is it?’ – hoping that this will give us insight as to whether or not we are getting a good deal.

This training course will provide delegates with the fundamentals of asset valuation – from property to bonds, shares to commodities and whole companies. We will look at the various valuation techniques available, as well as examining the effects of ‘behavioural economics’ and how we can guard against making poor investment decisions. At the end of this training course, delegates will feel confident to understand the core drivers of price and to identify under-priced assets.



  • Read and assess a company’s financial statements
  • Understand and apply the various valuation techniques to various asset classes
  • Become familiar with industry specific asset valuation considerations
  • Assess the impact of non-financial factors on valuation metrics
  • Appreciate how central banks have distorted asset valuations in recent years



  1. The Fundamentals of How Companies are Financed including Loans, Bonds and the Use of Derivatives
  2. The Key Financial Statements and How They Interact
  3. Core Ratio Analysis to Assess the Performance of a Company
  4. Industry Specific Asset Valuation Drivers
  5. From Book Value to Discounted Cash Flow
  6. The Relationship Between Yield and PE Ratios
  7. Assessing the Impact of Risk and the Cost of Money on Asset Values
  8. Non-Financial Considerations in Asset Valuation
  9. The Impact of Central Banks since 2008 (and Prior) in Moving Asset Prices
  10. Multiple Case Studies



  1. Managers and Senior Managers
  2. Department and Regional Directors
  3. Strategy Executives and Corporate Financial Planners
  4. Debt & Equity Research Professionals
  5. Corporate Treasurers & Investment Officers
  6. Commercial and Investment Bankers
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