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Produced Water Management

July 26, 2024

Jadwal Pelatihan Produced Water Management

27 - 29 Agustus 2024-Bandung


Produced water is a common fluid stream in exploration and production operations. It consists of formation water, or flood water previously injected into the formation. Generally, produced water may be reinjected after being treated. If the injected water contains solids large enough to plug in the formation, injectivity will decline. Downhole solids contributing to plugging may include not only the solids escaping filtration, but solids generated after water treatment (corrosion, scale, and bacterial products). Consequently, corrosion inhibition, scale inhibition, and bacterial control, as well as filtration, are required for optimizing the rate of water injection.



  • Understand how to reduce operation and maintenance costs by applying the most efficient produced water treatment techniques.
  • Learn about injectivity and scale prevention in reservoirs.
  • Gain understanding of water management in oil & gas production facilities.
  • Understand how to improve produced water and injection water quality.
  • Learn about the most efficient sampling and oil in water monitoring techniques.
  • Gain updates on the latest environmental legislation and regulations.
  • Learn how to efficiently remove sulphate and bacteria from injection water.
  • Gain tips on how to cope with complex oilfield microbial challenges.
  • Understand how to maintain sour gas and hydrogen sulfide production under control and mitigate the risk of corrosion.
  • Learn about emulsion formation, mitigation and prevention techniques.
  • Gain knowledge on produced water treatment for mature fields and subsea satellites.



1. Produced Water Chemistry and Characterization

  • Water chemistry fundamentals
  • Composition of produced water
  • General impurities
  • Water formed scales
  • Stiff & Davis Saturation Index and LSI
  • Injection water quality requirements
  • Corrosion control
  • Treatment overview

2. Oilfield Production Liquid Separation principles

  • The Nature, Chemistry and Composition of oilfield fluids
  • Test Methods for Oil and Water
  • Emulsions / Stabilization, Destabilization
  • Principles of Flotation
  • Key Design Parameters of Flotation
  • Henrys & Stokes Laws
  • Workshop-Class Work Exercise

3. Produced Water Treatment

  • Primary water treatment technologies – separators, hydrocyclones, and CPIs
  • Secondary water treatment – induced gas flotation
  • Tertiary water treatment technologies – media and membrane filtration
  • Biological Water Treatment
  • Chemicals and chemical treatment
  • Diagnostic testing and in-field observations

4. Corrosion & Water Treatment

  • Filtration
  • Dissolved Gas Removal
  • Coagulation
  • Chlorination
  • Iron Removal
  • Water Softening
  • Silica Removal
  • TDS Removal

5. Produced Water Injection System

  • How Does Water Injection Work
  • Water injection and disposal systems – theory of operation
  • Water injection pumps
  • Water injection plants
  • Limitations of Water Injection System in Oil Wells
  • Troubleshooting





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2x Coffee Break


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Topik Training : Produced Water Management
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