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Pipeline and Storage Tank & Pressure Vessel Design

August 19, 2023

Jadwal Pelatihan Pipeline and Storage Tank & Pressure Vessel Design

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I. Pipeline: Design, Testing, Inspection & Maintenance

  1. Pipeline Overview: General Considerations, Types, Codes, Standards and Regulations.
  2. Standard Pipeline : ASTM, API, ANSI, ASME, DNV.
  3. Mechanical Properties of Pipeline
  4. Hazard Assessment for Effective Pipeline Integrity Management
  5. Safety Considerations and Pipeline Failure Mitigation Control Requirements
  6. Pipeline Design Standards, Codes and Recommended Practices
  7. Pipeline Sizing, Wall Thickness Criteria, and the MAWP
  8. Corrosion Allowance and the Remaining Service Life
  9. Pipe Material Specification and Standard Dimension
  10. Free Span Pipe; Layout, Elevation and Topography
  11. Pipeline Design Calculation; Design and Operating Pressures
  12. Pipe Material Requirement, Examination, Testing and Inspection
  13. Pipeline Integrity Systems and Risk Assessment
  14. Inspection of Pipeline
  15. Hydraulic Calculation ( liquid and gas), flow and pressure drop and Codes related
  16. Construction : Sustained load, Expansion Load, Occasional Load, Stress Analysis, Support , Vibration and Codes related
  17. Pipeline Testing and Codes related
  18. Material and fabrication and Codes related
  19. Valves and Fittings, Gas disposal, Sizing and Codes related
  20. Pipeline Protection : coating and corrosion prevention and Codes
  21. Testing and Inspection and Codes Related
  22. Failure Modes of Pipelines: Corrosion, Coating disbanding, CO 2 corrosion, Microbiological corrosion, Upheaval buckling. Soil Instability
  23. Maintenance
  24. Examples and Case Studies


II. Oil Storange Tank: Design, Testing, Inspection & Maintenance

1. Introduction

2. Review of International Construction code Requirements

3. Basic Tank API-650 Input & Analysis

  • Tank Selection
  • Program Setting Configuration
  • Tank Sizing / Scrathpad
  • General Input Tank Data
  • Roof Input Data
  • Seismic Input Data per-Appendix E
  • External Pressure per-Appendix V
  • Nozzle Flexibilities per-Appendix P
  • Grillage Data per-Appendix I
  • Cycle Life Evaluation per-Appendix M

4. Tank Venting API-2000, Tank Evaluation API-653

  • API 200 Venting
  • Shell Settlement Data
  • API-653 Service Measurement Data
  • Understanding API-650 Data Sheet
  • Floating Roof Tank & Farter Dome Roof Tank
  • Tank Drawings

5. Foundation and Tank Floor Design

6. Tank Shell Design

7. Wind Girder Requirements

8. Tank Roof Design

9. Frangible Roof

10. Tank Erection Methods

11. Tank Jacking

12. Inspection of Storage Tanks

13. Non Destructive Testing of Storage Tanks

14. Tanks Floor Inspection

15. Tank Floor Repair and Repair and Replacement

16. Tank Shell Repair and Replacement

17. Tank Roof Repairs

18. Floating Roof Repairs



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Case Study

Post test




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Hand out


Lunch + 1x Coffee Break

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Topik Training : Pipeline and Storage Tank & Pressure Vessel Design
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