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Corporate Culture

July 5, 2024

Jadwal Pelatihan Corporate Culture

24 - 25 Juli 2024-Jakarta


Corporate culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms that shape the work environment and define the identity of an organization. It encompasses the attitudes, practices, and interactions among employees, as well as the overall organizational values and mission.

A vibrant corporate culture is characterized by values such as integrity, transparency, respect, and accountability. It encourages diversity and inclusion, embraces change and innovation, and promotes a customer-centric approach. It provides a framework for decision-making and guides employee behavior



1. Introduction to Corporate Culture

  • Definition and importance of corporate culture
  • The role of corporate culture in organizational success
  • Elements of corporate culture: values, beliefs, norms, and practices

2. Understanding Organizational Values

  • Identifying and defining organizational values
  • Communicating values effectively
  • Aligning individual and organizational values

3. Building a Positive Work Environment

  • Creating a supportive and inclusive culture
  • Promoting teamwork and collaboration
  • Fostering employee engagement and satisfaction

4. Leadership and Corporate Culture

  • The role of leaders in shaping corporate culture
  • Leading by example and setting the tone
  • Developing leadership skills to promote a positive culture

5. Communication and Transparency

  • Effective communication strategies within the organization
  • Building trust and transparency in communication
  • Encouraging open dialogue and feedback

6. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

  • Understanding the benefits of diversity and inclusion
  • Promoting diversity in recruitment and talent management
  • Creating an inclusive culture that values differences

7. Maintaining Ethical Standards

  • Upholding ethical values and integrity
  • Implementing ethical guidelines and policies
  • Dealing with ethical dilemmas and promoting ethical decision-making

8. Sustaining and Evolving Corporate Culture

  • Strategies for sustaining a positive culture over time
  • Adapting to changes and challenges
  • Continuous improvement and evolution of corporate culture

9. Assessing and Measuring Corporate Culture

  • Methods for assessing organizational culture
  • Collecting feedback and measuring culture-related metrics
  • Using data to drive culture improvement initiatives

10. Implementing Change in Corporate Culture

  • Managing cultural change initiatives
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Ensuring successful implementation and adoption





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2x Coffee Break


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Topik Training : Corporate Culture
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*Email Alternatif eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail
*Telepon Kantor
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