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Training Online – Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Siemens S7 400 Home  »  Mekanikal & Instrumentasi Technical, Mechanical & Engineering Training Online   »   Training Online – Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Siemens S7 400

Training Online – Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Siemens S7 400

August 3, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Siemens S7 400

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This course are designed for advanced level of the user, especially for advanced programming (Mathematics, HMI Interfacing, Analog Controlling), Troubleshooting, Maintenance, and for automation system design based on PLC system.



  1. Able to Using Analog and Communication Module of PLC S7
  2. Able to Write and Run Advanced Programming of PLC S7 Language
  3. Able to Troubleshoot and Maintenance The PLC S7
  4. Able to Interfacing Between HMI and PLC S7
  5. Able to Design Factory Automation Based on PLC System



  1. What is a Analog Module and Communication Module of PLC?
  2. Addressing and Programming of Analog Module
  3. Programming of Mathematics Using PLC
  4. State Space Technique for Programming
  5. Function Block (FB)
  6. Data Block (DB)
  7. Function (FC)
  8. High Speed Counter
  9. Analog Input and Analog Output Programming
  10. Programming Technique Using State Condition
  11. Protocol System on Automation System based on PLC
  12. Human Machine Interface (HMI)
  13. Case Studies: PLC Programming for Advanced Level
  14. Discussion
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