Optimizing and Managing Treasury Audit Process
April 15, 2023
Jadwal Pelatihan Optimizing and Managing Treasury Audit Process
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1. Meningkatkan pemahaman peserta terhadap produk dan aktivitas treasury beserta dengan risiko-risiko yang melekat pada aktivitas treasury dan sistem pengendalian internal yang diterapkan di dalamnya
2. Pengenalan terhadap proses audit treasury, meliputi antara lain :
- Perencanaan Audit Treasury
- Penetapan Tujuan Audit
- Pelaksanaan Audit yang Efektif dan Efisien
- Pengkajian dan Pembahasan Temuan Audit
- Penyajian Laporan Hasil Audit
- Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Audit
- Auditor internal dan auditor eksternal yang akan melaksanakan audit treasury
- Staf dan pimpinan unit kerja treasury yang hendak mengembangkan sistem pengendalian internal pada unit kerja treasury
- Staf dan pimpinan perusahaan yang ingin memahami aktivitas treasury dan sistem pengendalian internal yang perlu diterapkan di dalamnya
1. Apa Sajakah Produk-produk Treasury?
- Exchange Traded versus Over the Counter Market
2. Apa Sajakah Komponen dari Produk-Produk Treasury?
- Securitisation Forwards Optionality
3. Cash Instruments
- Spot FX Transactions, Forward FX Transactions
- FX Rate Swap, Loans & Deposits
- Bonds, Equity Trading
- Commodity Trading
4. Derivative Instruments
- Interest Rate Swaps, Currency Swaps
- Forward Rate Agreement (IR Forward)
- Option Contracts
5. Fair Value and the Marking To Market of Treasury Products
- What is MTM and FV?
- The issues with FV Accounting
- Importance of Fair Value in Accounting For Treasury Products
- Accounting Uses of Fair Value ; Performance Measurement, Carrying Value, Disclosure
- Fair Value vs Accrued Value
6. Inherent Risks In Treasury
- Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk
- Operational Risk, Strategic and Business Risk
- Legal and Compliance Risk, Reputational Risk
7. Internal Control Framework
- Inherent Risks in Using Exchange Traded Derivatives
- OTC Contracts
- The Management and Control System
- Control Risks
- Role of Internal Audit
- Role of External Audit
8. Auditing Framework, Objectives of Auditing, External Audit vs Internal Audit
9. Financial Auditing, Operational Auditing, The Audit Approach
10. Identifying and Measuring The Risk Factors
- Identifying and Documenting The Management and Control System
- Identifying The Aspects of The Management and Control System At Risk
- Reviewing The Adequacy of The Management and Control System
11. Designing The Audit Work Program
- Identify Key Risks
- Identify Key Aspects of Internal Control System
- Review Adequacy of Key Parts of Internal Control System
- Identify Attributes Affected By Risks
- Test Validity of Attributes At Risk
12. Carrying Out The Audit Work
13. Key Audit Issues With Treasury
- Completely Recorded In Timely Manner
- Off Premises Trading
- Unauthorized Trading
- Trading vs Hedging Designation
- Intraday Position Breaches
- Monitoring Near To Settlement Trades
- Monitoring of Liquidity Risk
- Deposit and Margin Reconciliations
- Valuation and Liquidity, Concentration of Transactions
14. Audit Techniques
Case Study
Training Kit
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