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Managing Contract Risks, Performance & Negotiation In Oil & Gas Industry

November 2, 2023

Jadwal Pelatihan Managing Contract Risks, Performance & Negotiation In Oil & Gas Industry

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Sebagian kontrak yang di buat selalu dibarengi dengan resiko yang berpotensi menimbulkan perubahan dan perselisihan diantara mereka yang terlibat dalam kontrak tersebut. Adanya potensi perselisihan dapat mengurangi nilai dan tujuan menurunkan kinerja kontrak.Penyebab munculnya risiko ini bisa disebabkan adanya perubahan dan perselisihan yang berakar pada detail dari paket tender dan kontrak yang terkait. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi profitabilitas, reputasi, pangsa pasar dan citra baik pelanggan dan kontraktor, seperti tender mengakibatkan membeli layanan salah dan bahan pada harga yang salah. Pelatihan ini akan membekali peserta dengan beberapa pengetahuan, diantaranya :

  • Menerapkan Pendekatan Pasar dan Pasokan analisis rantai yang efektif
  • Perencanaan tender dan membangun strategi kontraktor
  • Resiko kontrak, megelola dan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan nilai kontrak yang lebih besar
  • Meningkatkan ketrampilan negosiasi kontrak dan efektivitas pengelolaan kontrak kinerja



1. Principles of Procurement & Supply Chain Management (PSCM)

  • Procurement, Strategic Sourcing & Supply Chain Management
  • Market Power quadrant
  • PSCM Portfolio Analysis & Strategy
  • PSCM and Contracting Cycles

2. Contracting Cycle, Strategy and Development

  • Contracting strategy & African Flag Contracts Map
  • Contract Package Preparation
  • Work Scope Statement
  • Bidding Process
  • Bid Evaluation Criteria
  • OE & Awarding Contract

3. Managing Contract Risks & Performance

  • Maximizing Contract Value
  • Risks & Opportunity workshop
  • Contract Performance Management Key Elements
  • Performance Based Contracting
  • Performance Progress Monitoring and Control
  • Payment and Milestones

4. Contract Negotiation & Dispute Resolution

  • Negotiation in Contract
  • Negotiation Source of power, Tactics, BATNA, ZOPA
  • PIOC Focus (Problem, Interest, Option, Criteria)
  • Dispute resolution

5. Contract Major Clauses, Completion & Close Out

  • Force Majeure, Liquidated Damage, Warranty, Acceptance, etc
  • Contract completion & Close out
  • Contract Post Mortem & Lesson Learnt

6. Study Case & Workshop:

  • Pre Test
  • Market & Portfolio Case
  • Contracting Strategy Case
  • Tender & Bid Evaluation Case
  • Contract Negotiation Case
  • Contractor Performance Meeting Case
  • Post Test

7. Quick Reference Guides:

  • RFx
  • Contract Terms & Glossary
  • Negotiation strategies
  • Incoterms 2000 Quick Reference
  • Contract Types & Risks Guidelines
  • Practical Guides and Articles of Tender and Contracting Strategy
  • Dangerous Words and Phrases Chart to Streamline Contract Reviews



Pre test



Case Study

Post test




Training Kit

Hand out


Lunch + 2x Coffee Break


Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Managing Contract Risks, Performance & Negotiation In Oil & Gas Industry
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*Email Alternatif eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail
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