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Training Online – Water Treatment and Power Plant Chemistry

May 25, 2023

Jadwal Pelatihan Training Online – Water Treatment and Power Plant Chemistry

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Program pelatihan ini membahas teori dibalik water treatment, analisis kimia dan control yang digunakan pada power plant dan mendiskusikan prosedur keselamatan apa saja yang harus diikuti selama sampling, analisis, dan penambahan bahan kimia. Di samping itu akan diberikan gambaran mengenai prosedur pengambilan sampel dan menganalisis berbagai sumber air, dasar untuk berbagai batas kimia yang dikenakan untuk sistem yang berbeda dalam power plant, serta penjelasan mengenai mekanisme untuk berbagai jenis korosi dan bagaimana korosi dapat dikendalikan.



1. Introduction: Boiler Feed water Treatment Developments

  • Treatment of Water

2. Chemistry Fundamentals

  • Matter and Energy
  • Atomic Structure and the Periodic Chart
  • Chemical Formulas and Equations
  • Solutions and Solubility
  • Solutions Concentrations
  • Solubility
  • Acids and Bases
  • Ionization of Water
  • Neutralization
  • Electrochemistry

3. Corrosion

  • Environmental Effects
  • Electrochemical Process
  • Factors Affecting Corrosion
  • Metallic Structure
  • The Chemistry of Corrosion
  • Galvanic Series
  • Electromotive Series
  • Alkaline and Acidic Solutions
  • Uniform & Location of Corrosion
  • Pitting Corrosion
  • Stress Corrosion
  • Expolliation
  • Corrosion Fatigue
  • Caustic Corrosion
  • Hydrogen Damage

4. Make Up Water Treatment

  • Clarification
  • Filtration
  • Water Softening
  • Demineralization
  • Types of Resins
  • Regeneration
  • Resin Fouling
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Boiler Water Treatment
  • Properties of Water
  • Boiler Water Treatment
  • Feed water Treatment
  • Contaminants

5. Cooling Water Treatment Programs

  • Corrosion Control
  • Deposit Control
  • Microbiocides & Algacides
  • Closed Cooling Programs
  • Sea Water Macro fouling Control

6. Control Guidelines

  • EPRI Guidelines
  • Boiler Water Analysis
  • Feed water Analysis

7. Instrumentation

  • Analyzers
  • Sampling Water and Steam
  • On-Line Sample Panel
  • Conductivity Analyzer
  • pH Analyzer
  • Sodium Analyzer
  • Chloride Analyzer
  • Dissolved Oxy. Analyzers
  • Hydrazine Analyzers
  • Silica Analyzer

8. Course Conclusion

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